
12 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 42 Reviews


nice job. the art and animation could definitely use some practice, but overall it was good. now i'm off to download the song. ^_^

Jessismith responds:

Thank you!
Now that was the point of me making this...^_^


That was pretty good. Maybe if you added music and the ability to change the font or the stuff that creates the name (as in more than just leaves), it would be better. Also, this should probably be labelled as a game, rather than a movie.

Chamyky responds:

I didn't label it as a game because it isn't really interactive. I didn't want to mislead people. But, as you're pointing out, it's not really a movie either... hard choice, eh.


I'm just a tad lost.....

the animation wasn't terrible, but the voicing and music made my ears bleed....

next time, you should use actual VAs, instead of microsoft sam and the gang..... *shudder*

Chartalon responds:

I agree on the music. I have a horrible taste when it comes to that...
The voicing on the other hand is suppose to be like that.
It was made in speakonia.


hello again, avalonknight.

nice one. otaku and skunks! what will we do?! and the tms rocked! (in this at least....)

is this really the last one? That's sad..... :(

anyway, if I had to pick about one thing, it would be the lack of bgm. i dunno, it's just something about the silence that didn't do it for me.

none the less, i'm voting it past the portal.

omegafinal responds:

Yep, last one. Somewhat relieved and saddened at the same time. But don't worry, when something ends, something new will come up.

The lack of BGM throughout the vid was more stylistic, because most of the music in the game comes from the in-game radio.


although i find this highly insulting, you get one star because there was animation and voicing that wasn't curtosy of microsoft.

Spoofman101 responds:


hey there, stranger!

I finally got around to watching this!

I have to say, the visuals were much better than I anticipated from that banner in the audition thread. Even if the art looks a bit unpracticed (and I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, since you said there was computer tracing going on) I still like the over all style of it.

But, the one thing that really bothered me (so much so that it's almost the full reason for taking off 3 stars) was the lack of voicing in some places. As a voice actress and a producer, I can speak very strongly from all angles.

If you have a deadline for the completed work to be done, then you need to set a deadline for the VAs. The deadline should be a few weeks ahead of the completion date, plus and extra week or 2 for padding. Those padding weeks are in case the VAs need to reschedual. They should let you know if there's a conflict at least 1 week (if not more) before the VA deadline (that's just out of respect and proper VA manners). If that's the case, try to arrange something.

Of course, if the VA can't get things done on time (especially if you've given extensions) then you need to sack them and go to the understudy; your work shouldn't have to suffer because VAs are being difficult.

You should never post something in this condition, because it will look half-assed; even when other aspects show a lot of time and energy.

In short, it was a good effort on your part, but you need to control your VAs; it's your project, not theirs, and shouldn't have to suffer because of them.

omegafinal responds:

Heya, thanks for reviewing. A lot of time has since past after the release of this, and you can bet that I've learned something from it. I hope in the future that I'll finish this series in its entirety.

that's not right...

As cool as that was, and as much as I like the office....that wasn't flash, so it doesn't belong here.

Of course, if you made just an audio recording of it, you could put it on the audio portal.

I'll give you a 2 because that was pretty awesome, but it doesn't belong in the flash portal...

Reyals responds:

Honestly I agree. I just put it here to make it accessible.

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